Sunday, October 28, 2007

convused about you!! :(

have you ever meet someone who do really hold your mind.... you cant relize why or how that happining to you ..
its just uncontrold thing...something weard driving me crazy...
hope i can know how to deal with or do i act right or wrong..,, hope i know wat is all that
will the days help me finding that..or i have to know it my self...
for as long since i knew my self as i entrusted myself a strong good thinking gurl
i always treated as an adult.. but not this time.. i feel like a young spoild girl dnt know how to deal with life.. that means i stell thinking as a teenager.. god how i hate this age... :"(

Thursday, October 25, 2007

new jop new life..

finnly i have a job....finnly i ran away from depressed me>>>to a new roro...

i started as a SALES.... then i been moved to CUSTUMER SUPOTR>> where i like to stay now

having my won desk own fone hehe:P... but the most thing wat keeping me wanting this section is the great people who i met there...
you always can fine people with a smile and a great soule and have an advice in wat ever u want at when ever u need...

although im a source of inconvenience for them :P... but they do accept me in a good way..

hope ill be good in dealing with costomers cuse im totaly crapy in that :"(..

wish me luck

Saturday, September 1, 2007

massari s3o0odii 0_0 !!!!!!!!!!

when i saw him ididnt belved...

but look at his lips...and skin colour...

he s really from ksa...

ill leave the judg for u

Thursday, August 30, 2007

smily cupCakes^_^ !!

yesterday 7beet abyeen sh6artee shway:P ....and guess wat i made a sweet cute cupcakes 4 breakfast...

i made a cofee n my fav mug... and i enjoyed it...

then..b3d ma mleet eldabh(my tummy) :P >>>i thought about sharing u my yummy cupcakes :)

smily one!

try it with cofee!! ymmmmmm

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

so0o complicated!!

Did u ever been in this case when u feel that ur losing verything u have ever had.. many things &every thing..

dnt know how.. dnt know why and when did that started and with what...

really wanna to stop it but u cant..really wanna to know what s the answer but u dnt know what s the quastion!!

i know all that sounds weard..but guess what>>>>

that what i feel