Tuesday, April 21, 2009

fake world

i had once a close dear friend who tryed to get me away from the fakeness of loveand suddenlly she ( gone)
i couldnt stop dreaming about her the couble last nights i would swear that i didnt sleep 3 hours in total all the night ..if it was optional i would follow her.. but the onley option that i had was to follow her advice and i didnt

sometimes people hardly relize the realty of things ....
you would think that you really mean something to someone whail ur not...loveing him as he is every thing to you ..but you dnt hv to be shocked f u mean nothing to him..
keeb a clear surly idea in ur mind that ther is no real friends ..noo true love
and if ther is they wont stand living in this derty world...
theyll be (gone)...

wish i can even see her face again ill hug her soo tight and ill opolgize 4 every thing..for being a bad friend ,for being a selly teen whos following her man like a blind bitch..
for leaving her alone under the dust swear last time i didnt wanna leav your tomb.. pleas 4 give me

Monday, April 13, 2009

wicker park

i was so heart touchted with this movie , i can understand the feels and the tears which been thier.
Its realy hard to feel that you are dieing to hv some one and you cant..
whail every body meeting him so normaly he is like a dead 4 you, you are handless even to hear his voice!
and ur convused btween blving the truth,or the fancy dreams of ur heart
love is suck

cheak this one copy it to a new window its really touched the scene
and the MUSIC hear the words carefully